First Friday Art Walk

MotherEarthCropped©AlexandriaKerekez2014Mother Nature, 2013

The  California collection, works by Alexandria Kerekez

On display August 1 – September 20, 2014

Presentation will include:

Paintings, Collages, Wood Burnings, and Ceramics

95 South Market Street, San Jose,+san+jose,+ca


Headwaters woodburning This piece was inspired by the creatures and habitat of the Headwaters of the Guadalupe River in San Jose, CA.

This represents my all-time favorite place to visit in our remarkable California wilderness.

Night of Creative Empowerment III

KEREKEZ, creative partnership with a mission to celebrate the many wonders of nature, debuted last night at

Women Rising’s Night of Creative Empowerment III

We set up a table with our wares, including: Paintings, Photography, and other exciting specialties.

The event was inspiring!  at The Backwater Arts Gallery showcased some of San Jose’s leading female Artisans. I was honored to have a chance to exhibit my piece “Mother Nature”, a Natural Material Collage.

Needless to say, I am very excited for next year!

Done and Done.

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I am ready to celebrate the completion of my ArtBox!

Visit this ArtBox at Wallenberg Park, on the corner of Curtner & Cottle.,+san+jose&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x808e337b0722a49d:0x1062c05a5cc29464,Curtner+Ave+%26+Cottle+Ave,+San+Jose,+CA+95125&gl=us&sa=X&ei=jMa7Uem6NoagqwH0jYGoDQ&ved=0CCwQ8gEwAA